Unless it’s October, the presence of cobwebs will make your home look dirty.
However, sometimes cobwebs appear from nowhere, even if you have a regular cleaning routine. So, the chances are that if you take a close look at your walls and ceiling, there are cobwebs that need removing.
Are you looking for a way to keep your home free from this sticky and dusty residue? Read on to learn how to get rid of cobwebs inside your house.
Why do cobwebs seem to appear from nowhere?
Before diving into the topic, let’s state a fact: every cobweb in your home does come from your eight-legged, uninvited guests.
However, those cobwebs you picture when you hear the word are not composed only of the sticky thread created by spiders. Most homeowners notice a cobweb after it catches a lot of dust. Up to this point, the spider may have left your home long ago.
How to get rid of cobwebs
Reading about cobwebs may be interesting, but likely you are here to learn how to get rid of them. Usually, the biggest issue when removing cobwebs from your home is reaching where they are—spiders like crevices and hidden spots.
Besides, cobwebs are sticky, making them challenging to remove and handle. Don’t worry; here are three ways to take care of cobwebs without breaking a sweat.
1. Extended duster
If you are willing to invest in cleaning supplies to keep cobwebs at bay, you can find specialized dusters with extended poles and soft bristles. This simple tool is great for cleaning high furnishings like ceiling fans and even the ceiling.
2. Microfiber sock
You don’t need to buy a fancy device to eliminate cobwebs on your ceiling. Do you have a microfiber sock you can spare? Then, you already have a tool to tackle this chore!
Pick a pole (the upper end of your broom should do) and insert it in the sock. Since your cloth is made of the same material as most dusters and cleaning cloths, it will work fine in trapping all those cobwebs you can’t reach by hand.
3. Vacuum cleaner
A vacuum cleaner with the right attachments is the best tool to deal with cobwebs. This powerful device works exceptionally well if you’re cleaning an excessive number of cobwebs—it’ll just suck them up, and you can forget about the hassle!
How to prevent cobwebs in your home
Now that your home is sparkling clean, surely you want to keep it like that. Check these straightforward tips to keep cobwebs at bay.
Tip #1. Watch out for spiders!
If cobwebs appear in your home, spiders are getting in somehow. Look for cracks and check your window screens. Seemingly unrelated actions like resealing joints on your windows or removing weeds near your home can reduce the number of cobwebs.
Note: You can rely on essential oils for repelling spiders.
Tip #2. Don’t skip regular cleaning
As said above, people usually notice cobwebs until they are full of dust. However, you can clean them before they become a mess. Don’t forget to dust your home top to bottom during your cleaning routine, including corners and hidden spots.
Not enough time to clean? We can help!
Keeping up with the cleaning chores is easier said than done, but it doesn’t mean you have to live in a messy space! Happy Home Cleaning Services delivers top-quality cleaning services in Tampa, FL. Let us take care of cleaning every inch of your home, including removing cobwebs.