A clean bathroom speaks great about a household. Sadly, hard water stains in your toilet can quickly spoil your bathroom’s good look.
On top of giving your bathroom a dirty feeling, hard water stains can hamper your toilet’s proper functioning or permanently damage it if you let them sit for too long. Luckily, there are easier methods to get rid of those nasty stains. Keep reading to learn the best one!
How to remove hard water stains in your toilet
Those hard water stains in your toilet appear due to all the minerals in tap water. When the water dries, the mineral deposits are left behind.
The good news is that you don’t have to buy fancy products to solve the issue. Acidic solutions are perfect for breaking down the minerals, so good ol’ vinegar will be your greatest ally in dealing with hard water stains.
Step #1. Weaken the stains
Hard water stains are tough, so you should loosen them up first. Pour one cup of white vinegar into the toilet bowl and spread it with a toilet brush. Use a piece of cloth or a toothbrush for hard-to-reach places like the underside of the toilet rim.
After one minute, add one cup of baking soda and another two cups of vinegar into the bowl. You’ll see how the mix fizz, but you don’t need to worry; it’s normal. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
Step #2. Remove the stains
Swish around the mix again and scrub all the stains in your toilet bowl. Pour some water to rinse the surface and check for remaining stains. You can remove stubborn stains by scrubbing them a little harder. Then, let the solution sit for about 30 minutes.
Once time is up, just flush the water, and you’ll have a shiny, clean toilet!
Extra step: use a pumice stone
You can use a pumice stone if some stains refuse to go. These stones are perfect for cleaning your toilet due to their porous and rough surface.
However, although pumice is softer than most stones, you should be careful not to scratch your toilet bowl. Also, ensure to wet the stone and the stain thoroughly before scrubbing—this reduces the chance of scratching the porcelain.
Now, you can scrub any remaining stain. You’ll see little bits of the stone coming off as you scrub. The texture these bits provide will help you to remove the stains more easily. Rinse frequently to check your progress. Once you finish, flush the toilet to get rid of all the residue.
How to prevent hard water stains
You can start doing some things to prevent hard water stains in your toilet. For example, you can invest in a water softener, which reduces the number of minerals in the water and decreases the chances of buildup.
A less expensive way is to give your toilet a weekly scrub with a toilet brush and dish detergent. This way, you’ll remove any mineral deposits before they adhere and build up on the surface.
Do you need further help? We can provide it!
A clean toilet and bathroom is the first step to achieving a spotless house. Let Happy Home Cleaning help you with the rest! We thoroughly vet and train our cleaning staff to ensure results up to the highest expectations. Get a free quote today!